Assignemnt #14


        ///Name: Colin Hinton
        ///Project Name: MoreVariablesAndPrinting
        ///File Name:
        ///date completed:9/11/2015
        class MoreVariablesAndPrinting
            public static void main(String[] args)
            String myName, myEyes, myTeeth, myHair;
            int myAge, myHeight, myWeight;
            double Centa, Kilo, EuroHeight, EuroWeight;     
            myName= "Colin l. Hinton";
            myAge= 17; // soon will be 1 off
            myHeight= 64; // inches
            myWeight= 135; // lbs
            myEyes= "Green";
            myTeeth= "White";
            myHair= "Dirty Blond";
            Centa= 2.54;
            EuroHeight= Centa * myHeight;   
            Kilo= .453592;
            EuroWeight= Kilo * myWeight;    
            System.out.println("let's talk about " + myName + ".");
            System.out.println("He's " + myHeight + " inches (or " + EuroHeight + "cm) tall.");
            System.out.println("He's " + myWeight + " pounds. (or " + EuroWeight + "kg) Light");
            System.out.println("He has got " + myEyes + " eyes and " + myHair + " hair.");
            System.out.println("His teeth are usually " + myTeeth + " depending on his soda intake.");
            System.out.println("if i add " + myAge + "," + myHeight + "," + myWeight + "," + " i get " + (myAge + myHeight + myWeight) + ".");

Picture of the output

Assignment 1